

来源:www.jojo99.com   时间:2024-07-26 20:23   点击:126  编辑:admin   手机版


With development of science and technology,new knowledge comes every day. If you stop learning even for a day,you will be lost. Reading is a good way to help you keep in touch with the outside world.

  Read widely and youll be rich in knowledge. Reading is also a good way to relax yourself.

  You can get a lot of fun in the books. A good book is a good friend to comfort you when you are unhappy. So long as you have a good book at hand, youll never feel lonely. Every valuable book will open a new world before you.


I like reading book in my fare time,because reading a good book can make me really happy.Nowadays,Every man is under pressure at work,so fingding a thing that will release the pressure is important.


莎士比亚说得好:“书籍是人类进步的阶梯”.我读过许许多多书,它们给我带来了无穷无尽的快乐.小时候,我看过许多小人书,美人鱼为爱献出了宝贵的生命;冒险小虎队员经过艰难险阻,最终用智慧破解一个又一个疑案;狼和山羊、龟兔赛跑…….读书伴我健康成长,让我知道爱的伟大,读书还让我懂得许多做人的道理.我在读书中获得了许多科学知识.有一次老师提问:“飞机怕不怕小鸟?”许多同学说飞机那么大,怎么会怕小鸟?可是我却回答飞机怕小鸟,这时班级同学发出一阵轰笑.老师说大家别笑了,黄腾的回答是正确的.这让我感到无比的高兴,能知道飞机怕小鸟,得益于我看过的《大百科全书》.书中介绍的力学原理,说明在高空中一个小鸟与飞机相撞相当于陆地上两列飞驰的列车相撞,如果出现这种情况将会是机毁鸟亡.爸爸妈妈知道这件事以后,为了鼓励我,给我买了我羡慕已久的飞机模型,这可把我乐坏了,我望着飞机模型,心里想,这都是读书带给我的奖赏,我一定要坚持读书.读书丰富了我的知识,它就像一股甘甜的泉水,源源不断地向我提供营养;读书教给了我许多道理,陶冶了我的情操.读书让我陶醉  有一句名言:“书是人类进步的阶梯,这是我学会的第一句名人名言,我爱读书的故事便是从这里开始的.  刚上一年级时,我便开始了与书的接触,先是妈妈给我讲,可是这根本满足不了我的“贪婪”胃口,我开始自己读书,先按着拼音一个字一个字的拼,再读成句子,后来,上二年级时,我就开始不看拼音了,2年级下册的时候,我就完全在读书时“抛弃”了拼音,我爱读书的故事从此展开了一幅画卷……  我记得,我经常读书,看到入迷,妈妈喊我,爸爸叫我,我都是“两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书”了,有一次因为看书看得入了迷,还闹了个大笑话呢!  我在一个星期六上午正在看妈妈新给我买的《水浒传》,妈妈在厨房喊:“女儿,给妈妈把盐拿过来,妈妈给你做好吃的.”可我已经沉浸在《武松打虎》的情节里了,只见武松揪起那老虎的顶花皮,摁在地上,那老虎怎能抵住武松的神力?被武松摁在地上,动弹不得……我正看得津津有味,妈妈一把把书给夺了过去,我还没来得及反应过来,妈妈就已经把书摔到“千里之外了”.  “你看你,整天就知道看书,这……也不知道帮家里做点事,做完事了再看书也不迟啊!这样吧,你帮我去买包盐吧,刚才让你拿盐喊不动你,我自己去拿时就剩下一点了.”  “好吧,先把书和钱给我,我马上回来”.我拿着书,三步并作两步地跑下了楼,当──唉哟……,我坐在地上,头上青了一大块,倒霉,碰到电线杆了,到了小卖铺,我向老板说:“来一袋老虎.”“老虎?”店老板蒙了,什么老虎?不是不是,是一包味精,我连忙改口,店老板给了我味精,连剩下的钱也没拿就走了,8块5啊!上楼后,妈妈开始了“河东狮吼”,怎么这么慢啊,10点半让你去,下楼5分钟,去一趟小卖部,就隔一条街,1分钟都用不了,现在都10点58了!我不入地狱,谁入地狱?我默念,把味精给了妈妈,妈妈又苦笑道:“女儿啊!这已经是你第四次把盐买成味精了……”我才没听见,又回屋看起了《水浒传》,晚上,睡觉时,我趁爸妈睡觉后偷偷打开灯,关上门又看了起来,结果看到凌晨1点半了.第二天早上,就被老妈发现.  第一次,妈妈看见我看书总要来一句“你啊你”,但我从来也没有不高兴,我就爱看书,因为读书,我增长了许多知识,使语文成绩名列前茅,我爱读书.  读书使我陶醉,我喜欢沉浸在书的海洋里.


My father

My father is a handsome man . He is tall and medium build. He has short black hair and big eyes.

My father works in a hospital. He is a doctor. He wears a uniform in the hospital. He drives his car go to work. He is a good doctor. He loves his job.He works hard.

My father likes sports. He gets up at 6:00 clock every morning.

Then he runs go out. In the afternoon, he plays basketball.Sometimes

he plays chess with my brother.

My father also likes listening to music and watching TV. He likes

listening to the popular music. He likes action movies best. His favorite movie star is Li Xiaolong.

My father thinks healthy food is good for our health. So we eat apples every day. We don't eat French fries. We often eat vegetables,fruits and fish.

My father is also a humored man. I love my father very much.









My father is not tall. He has two small but bright eyes and a small mouth. My father is a very severe man. He is very strict with me.

Every night,he asks me what I have learnt in the day, and helps me with my homework. Every morning,at six o'clock,he asks me to get up to read some English texts loudly. Sometimes he is serious,but I know he is fond of me.   

He often goes to the bookshop and buys a lot of books for me. If I want something,he always says,“If you study well,I will buy it for you. "Sometimes I am afraid of him, but I love him very much.


My father is a factory worker. Although he is 50 years old, he looks very young. He works very hard. He goes to work very early every morning, he has lunch in the factory at noon, and he often goes home very late in the evening. He almost never stops work.


My father is forty-three years old. He is a teacher. He works very hard. He always wears a yellow coat and a pair of blue trousers. He like doing sports and he likes basketball best.My father loves me very much. He cheeks my homework every day. He often buys delicious food for me. On weekends we often go to the park with my mother. I love my father.


My dad is very humorous, usually with us together to rob watch TV. Dealing with the problems and things very seriously, and we play, play together, will play to depend on. Dad will secretly bring us mom usually don't eat snacks, I love my father


I like reading very much. When I was a small girl,I was interested in reading picture books on science and history. At the age of seven,I entered a primary school and began to read more books.

Now I am a middle school student. I have many subjects to learn. Every day I must finish a lot of homework. I am very busy. But when I have spare time I still want to read some story books. One day my young sister brought me a book XI YOU JI.I read the book with great interest.much.

I like Monkey King very much.

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