

来源:www.jojo99.com   时间:2024-07-26 01:13   点击:107  编辑:admin   手机版


Nowadays, more and more people tend to surf the Internet for information or just for fun. Whatever one may use the Internet for , things always have its advantages and disadvantages.


1.The Internet provides wide knowledges and information. We don't have to go to the library or take time to look for the books which might containing the knowledge we want.

2.The Internet makes purchasing more convinient. You don't even have to go the the department store. The only thing you have is a bank card.

3.The Internet makes communication easier and faster.

We don't have to write letters or stick stamps on the envelop. Just type in and send will do. It helps to save money and time.

4. We can download movis, books and music freely, which saves space as well as money.

5. We get to know more friends who can chat with and get help from through the Internet.


1.Sitting in front of the computer may bad for our eyes, our back, our neck and our wrist. It may even results in lacking sleep.

2. Once you buy something throught the Internet, you hardly change or return it.

3. There are some adult movies which may exert a bad influence on teenagers.

4. Young people will spend quite a long time in Internet games which affect their studying.

5. The Internet is quite different from a real life.

People may lie to others. Some may cheat to swindle other's emotion as well as money.

So do becareful with your net friend.


① Three Gorges Museum Three Gorges Museum in Chongqing Municipal People's auditorium located at the western end of the positive construction of the main length 157.3 meters, width 98.085 meters, 32 meters high, with a total construction area of 4 thousand square meters. The building shape itself, carries a number of historical and cultural implication. ② Three Gorges Museum, built on mountains, as a whole showed a large arc shape. Stood looking at People's Square, museums, like the mighty Yangtze River Three Gorges Dam. The museum is the most visible form large area curved blue glass curtain wall and ancient Founder of the sandstone wall. Blue glass symbolizes water, sandstone wall represents the mountain, which embodies the characteristics of Chongqing, a city landscape. Museum is at the top of the funnel-shaped circular dome, much like a huge commitment dew disk, while taking the Three Gorges Water heaven in Italy, on the other hand, the water through the three-tier Diebao, a vent down, and people Mall reflects the ancestral culture of the Three Gorges Museum, carry water, nourishing the earth with the culture and the meanings. ③ Three Gorges Museum exhibition area of 23,225 square meters, there are four basic display, namely: to reflect history, the Three Gorges, the Three Gorges culture and the spirit of the Three Gorges, a magnificent Three Gorges; to reflect the local history and culture of Chongqing, the origins of the ancient Bayu; to reflect 20 century, changes in Chongqing City Chongqing City Road; reflect the culture war in Chongqing, War Years. Here focuses on the first two exhibition hall. ④ magnificent Three Gorges on the first floor exhibition hall located on the right side of the Three Gorges Museum, a museum exhibition of signs. Into the exhibition hall, visitors came to the sublime as if Qutang. Face is a 9 meters long, 6 meters in height of the Three Gorges murals, it was placed stones caused by a variety of the Three Gorges, together constitute a majestic Kuimen, beautiful peach peak. Visitors at a time when the foot is stepped on a glass of water the Yangtze River to create a watertight manner. River shore voice, the voice of Chuanjiang chant, as well as the Three Gorges Yuanti unique sound, constitute a real magnificent Three Gorges. ⑤ magnificent Three Gorges Three Gorges Hall placed a lot of natural stone. Qutangxia mouth cut to the waterfall stone, Qutang middle of the Blackstone, Gorge to the trackers cut stone, trackers Road, and known as the world's first ancient hydrological stations, the White Crane Ridge Inscription has also been some progress in cutting move Hall. Present in the country's museums have not yet put such a large scale large-scale natural stone precedent. ⑥ and magnificent Three Gorges hall compared to the prehistoric Bayu exhibition it appears that ancient and thick. Ancient Bayu on the second floor exhibition hall located on the left side of the Three Gorges Museum, exhibition area of more than 1160 square meters, exhibits more than 1000. This is the Three Gorges Museum, one of the most abundant cultural relics exhibition hall, which for more than 80% of the relics are the Three Gorges in Chongqing since 1997, a new archaeological discovery, this is the first publicly available, such as the keel slope excavated Wushan Wushan Man fossils of teeth and mandible , Xinglong Cave site found in saber-tooth ivory stone, pottery found in Fengjie Fish-bellied Pu, Oda River statue unearthed in a bird-shaped and so on. This depends mainly on cultural relics exhibition hall to speak, it wants to demonstrate the objective existence of ancient Bayu culture and endless charm.


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