
求高中英语daily report范文,简单些。

来源:www.jojo99.com   时间:2022-07-15 10:13   点击:80  编辑:景桂   手机版

hello every! it's October 11st.i am very pleasure to stand here to give you a dairy report.As we know,the October 10th is a famous day when the Wuchang accident heppened in 1911,which
repersented the begin of Xinhai revolution.After that,the People of China founded at 1912,and start a new time.today,we shoud not forget it which has inflenced chinese for half century.
Beside,loving our country is also a behavior.It is not a logol,not a say,but a behavoior need
you,me,and he do!Let's conquer all in the way to rich and strong!Thank you.


Dear father, I have recieved your letter.Since I have been busy with my mid-term exams recently, I don't have time to reply to it until today.Generally speaking,I did quite a good job on most of the exams.Especially English, I can surely pass it with flying colors.If there is anything making me feel unsatisfied,it is that I am not very confident about the maths exam.I made several mistakes in the Multiple Choice part and was totally lost when trying to figure out the solution to the questions in the last part.But don't worry about me,dad.With the support of mom and you, and the help of my teacher and classmates, I am very sure I will catch up with the other students soon. your son, Fang Hua
